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Mujer bajó 50 kilos tras descubrir que su marido se burlaba de ella en redes sociales

  • Por Meganoticias

La historia de Betsy Ayala es sin lugar a dudas bastante asombrosa. La mujer estadounidense de 34 años, pesaba 118 kilos luego de su embarazo y sufrir depresión post parto.

Sin embargo, esta muchacha tomó la decisión de adelgazar drásticamente luego de descubrir que su marido le era infiel y se burlaba de ella con su amante.

Ayala se enteró a través de Faebook, que su ex esposo la trataba de "vaca" y "gorda", insultos que gatillaron un cambio radical en su persona.

"Mi mundo se hizo pedazos. Él siempre me decía que estaba bien, por eso me sentí horrible cuando leí esas palabras en la redes sociales", señaló la joven madre al periódico inglés, Daily Mail.

La mujer, bajó cerca de 50 kilos con la ayuda de su hermana, una estricta dieta y una exigente rutina de ejercicios que la hicieron cambiar de aspecto.

Actualmente, Betsy Ayala está soltera, asiste seis veces a la semana al gimnasio y el registro de su nueva figura lo muestra constantemente en su cuenta de Instagram.



Good Morning!!!!! ?? So I woke up to this article this morning and first just wanted to say thank you for everyone's sweet comments and messages. I did this interview a couple of weeks ago and I didn't know where and if it would be published but I wanted to be very transparent about my story. Not for sympathy or revenge but because I know that many people go through very difficult times and when you're in those moments you can't imagine ever coming out of them. I'm grateful for the opportunity god gave me to change with my team and #Herbalife and my intention is only to prove that your best days are ahead of you and no matter what happens resilience is in you. My ex-husband and I are best friends now and raise our beautiful daughter together. He's an amazing father and we've both come a long way from that place. Anything you want is possible if you're willing to put in the work. Love you guys! ?????

Una foto publicada por Betsy Ayala ?? 103 Lbs (@queen_b_b) el 30 de Dic de 2016 a la(s) 9:36 PST



Transformation Tuesday !!!! 3 years and 103 lbs later it's crazy to look back and see all that has changed in my life. In the left pic I was unknowingly on the brink of the most difficult time of my life. At the time I couldn't understand how my life would unfold and what it all meant but if there's one thing I know for sure is I'M NO QUITTER ?? I know there are amazing things ahead as well as tough ones because that is life. What I also know is that I've survived all the tough times up until now and the future will be no different. The only way you figure that out is by facing life and fighting through life to be the best you for yourself, your kids etc. I pray that if you haven't up until this point been successful at conquering those battles, this is your year of success and resilience. There is no greater feeling than standing on top of the mountain after the hardest climb of your life! ???????? -------------------------------------------- #transformationtuesday #followmyjourney #joinmyteam #Herbalife #herbalife24 #doitforyou #transformation #beforeandafter #fitmom #fitchick #girlswholift #inspiration #motivation #weightloss #bestlifeever #momswholift #fitness #fitspo #girlswholift #fitchick #mommymakeover #wellnesscoach #fueledbyherbalife #beforeandafter

Una foto publicada por Betsy Ayala ?? 103 Lbs (@queen_b_b) el 20 de Dic de 2016 a la(s) 7:17 PST


#SelfieSunday!!!! These pics are about three years apart ... soooo here are the answers to the questions I always get. YES I did Herbalife to lose all my Weight, YES I still take Herbalife and will for the rest of my life. If someone gives you a Bentley would you go back to driving a 1993 Ford Fiesta ... ? NO ? , It took me 1 year to lose 80 lbs and another 6 months to lose the other 20 after incorporating weight lifting. YES I eat food, I eat more often now than I did in the left pic. YES weight has always been an issue for me. My first diet I remember I was 11. YES I contour now and if I could have done that to make it look like I lost 103 lbs I would have, but no makeup on the planet can help you there love. ?????? ---------------------------------------------------------- And the biggest question of all ... What's my secret? GOOD NUTRITION ??? I also get asked what exercises I do and I didn't understand until now that I get that question so much, how little we all know about how much nutrition impacts our bodies. 80% of the weight issue is what you are and aren't eating. That is the SECRET ??????? ---------------------------------------------------------- If you want to lose a significant amount of weight join my challenge of over 100 individuals getting incredible results .. contact me or simply log on to my website ?www.goherbalife.com/betsyaa ? ----------------------------------------------------------- The 21 Day Shake Challenge Includes: ?Personalized Meal Plan ?Home & Gym Workout Plan ?Grocery List ?One on one coaching and motivation group -------------------------------------------- If you're serious or curious about how to join the challenge, DM me or text/call ? 281-829-8459 ---------------------------------------------- #21dayshakechallenge #changeyourlife #ownit #lightthematch #alwaysinpursuit #queenb #iamherbalife #iamofthislife #100lbs #fueledbyherbalife #watchme #orjoinme #livethelifeyoulove #lovethelifeyoulive #wellnesscocach #healthcoach #herbalife24 #fitness #fitchick #powerupfit #bestlifeever #dreams #fitspo #noexcus

Una foto publicada por Betsy Ayala ?? 103 Lbs (@queen_b_b) el 27 de Nov de 2016 a la(s) 9:57 PST


Happy #TransformationTuesday !!!!! The left picture is the day my brother got married... I remember I hated going to events or fancy occasions because I used to get anxiety about what I was going to wear. I could only fit in to plus sizes and everything seemed like it was made for people twice my age ? I would never wear dresses or anything cute and honestly there were things I missed out on because I would make excuses not to go. Even wearing knee high boots wasn't a option because they wouldn't zip up my calf. I think for anyone who hasn't been in that position it's hard to comprehend what it feels like and all the thoughts that go through your head on a daily and wondering if this is really how you're going to live the rest of your life. Grateful that the right opportunities and people were put in my life at exactly the right time to change everything and live my life on my terms. ????? ------------------------------------------------ "Stressing and complaining will change nothing, take action make a change and never look back" ------------------------------------------------ #21dayshakechallenge #changeyourlife #ownit #lightthematch #alwaysinpursuit #queenb #iamherbalife #iamofthislife #100lbs #fueledbyherbalife #watchme #orjoinme #livethelifeyoulove #lovethelifeyoulive #wellnesscoach #healthcoach #herbalife24 #fitness #fitchick #powerupfit #bestlifeever #dreams #fitspo #noexcuses #motivation #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #joinmyteam #beforeandafter

Una foto publicada por Betsy Ayala ?? 103 Lbs (@queen_b_b) el 8 de Nov de 2016 a la(s) 10:24 PST


#TransformationTuesday ?????? "It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things." - One of the things I hear a lot is I WISH ... Wishing, Manifesting, Praying are all great because you put your purpose out into the universe BUT it's effective if and only when it's followed by ACTION ... If you wish for a bigger bank account but you're spending more than you're earning and investing it's not gonna happen. If you're wishing for weight loss and you're eating more calories than you are burning it's not going to happen. If you're wishing for better relationships but you continue to allow others to treat you below what you deserve that's not going to happen.... Change the way you think and speak and you will change your life. ????? #youvsyou ???? ------------------------------------------------ #transformationtime #changeyourlife #ownit #lightthematch #alwaysinpursuit #queenb #iamherbalife #iamofthislife #100lbs #fueledbyherbalife #watchme #orjoinme #livethelifeyoulove #lovethelifeyoulive #wellnesscoach #herbalife24 #fitness #fitchick #mommieswholift #bestlifeever #dreams #fitspo #noexcuses #motivation #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #joinmyteam #beforeandafter

Una foto publicada por Betsy Ayala ?? 103 Lbs (@queen_b_b) el 18 de Oct de 2016 a la(s) 11:09 PDT